مركز حلم السنين لضيافة ورعاية الأطفال

نحو جيل متفوق ومهاري من الأطفال.

برامج تعليمية مبتكرة

نساعد الأطفال لاستكشاف مهاراتهم وقدراتهم.

بيئة آمنة وداعمة لتعليم الأطفال.

نركز على تنمية مهارات الأطفال المختلفة.

تطوير مهارات
نحو مستقبل مشرق

مركز حلم السنين لضيافة ورعاية الأطفال

تعليم الأطفال - تنمية المهارات - [مركز حلم السنين] لرعاية الأطفال.

A young child engages in a creative activity, painting with their fingers on paper, while an adult assists and guides them. The child, adorned in a pink tutu-like skirt, appears focused on the task. The setting includes a pink chair and a bright yellow frame in the background.
A young child engages in a creative activity, painting with their fingers on paper, while an adult assists and guides them. The child, adorned in a pink tutu-like skirt, appears focused on the task. The setting includes a pink chair and a bright yellow frame in the background.



آراء أولياء الأمور

ثقة عالية

خدماتنا للأطفال

نقدم برامج تعليمية مبتكرة لرعاية الأطفال وتنمية مهاراتهم في بيئة آمنة.

Children engaging in a creative activity outdoors, hands smudged with paint. Several containers with colorful paints are on the ground, and a child is seen mixing paint on their hands, focusing intently on the activity.
Children engaging in a creative activity outdoors, hands smudged with paint. Several containers with colorful paints are on the ground, and a child is seen mixing paint on their hands, focusing intently on the activity.
برامج تعليمية متنوعة

تعلم واكتشاف القدرات من خلال أنشطة تعليمية ممتعة ومبتكرة.

رعاية شاملة للأطفال

بيئة آمنة وداعمة للأطفال من عمر أسبوعين إلى 10 سنوات بنين وبنات.

تنمية المهارات السلوكية

نساعد الأطفال على النمو ليصبحوا أفرادًا فاعلين في مجتمعهم.


استكشف لحظات مميزة من رحلة أطفالنا في مركز حلم السنين.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

مركز حلم السنين يوفر بيئة رائعة لتعليم الأطفال وتنمية مهاراتهم بشكل مبدع وآمن.

أحمد العلي

A child sits at a table filled with arts and crafts materials, including colored paper, markers, and a bunny-shaped object. The child is focused on shaping a blue dough-like material with their hands. The table is cluttered with various colorful items, including educational papers and a water bottle.
A child sits at a table filled with arts and crafts materials, including colored paper, markers, and a bunny-shaped object. The child is focused on shaping a blue dough-like material with their hands. The table is cluttered with various colorful items, including educational papers and a water bottle.

أحببت البرامج التعليمية المتنوعة التي تقدمها المركز، فهي تساعد الأطفال على اكتشاف قدراتهم.

سارة محمد

A group of young children are seated around a table, engaging in painting activities. Each child has a drawing in front of them, and they are using paintbrushes with containers of colorful paints. The room has cheerful decorations, and there is a wooden door with a floral wreath and light-colored tiles on the wall.
A group of young children are seated around a table, engaging in painting activities. Each child has a drawing in front of them, and they are using paintbrushes with containers of colorful paints. The room has cheerful decorations, and there is a wooden door with a floral wreath and light-colored tiles on the wall.